The Dynamic Manifesto

  1. Read your manifest out loud everyday. Add, subtract and change parts or sections ad. lib

  2. Start your day by taking a moment to connect your breathing with your belly region/hara. Unveil your thinking mind and bring your heart-mind into the foreground, if just for a split second. Find your inner child, your Original Nature, become the Immovable Mover — then move!

  3. Bring yourself into harmony with your surroundings: Try shifting a diesis upwards or downwards, or try shifting octaves. If you can’t move into harmony, make it groove. If you can’t make it groove, embrace the dissonance.

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Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. Most people who have ever encountered Zen will have read this phrase somewhere. The emptiness referred to in Zen, however, bears a slightly different connotation than what we usually think about when we use the word emptiness in our everyday language. Emptiness in Zen refers not to nothingness, but should be understood as a state void of prejudice and expectation, ready to become anything. Emptiness is content always coming out of nothingness, and ideally always turning back to nothingness without any trace. 

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We wake up. We gobble the latest news for breakfast. We see reports about horrors and atrocities. We read, we see and we hear. We understand the situation. We realize that we should care. And we do care. We talk about it at work. At parties. Around the dinner table. We confirm each other’s thoughts. We confirm to each other that we are keeping track of what’s going on. That we are up to date. That we are responsible people who understand that what’s going on is wrong, and that there are things happening in this world which is not good. We understand that people need help. We walk out on the street. We walk past everyone who needs help. Avoid all the people who are asking us to help. We are on our way, and we don’t have time for this now.

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On the 1st of February 2016 I released my second solo album. It is entitled «Forms & Poses» and explores the connection between the human body and the double bass. In order to play any type of instrument, we have to apply our body. The body of the instrument and our own body is the ingredients that make up sound, so there is always an aspect of physicality involved, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. This is what I want to communicate with this album and here are some more thoughts about the topic:

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Silence is something which interests me, both in- and outside of music. In December 2015 my band Nakama released its debut album «Before the Storm» which in essence is a comment on the phenomena of silence in music, using silence as building blocks for the four pieces on the record. I had some ideas about the topic before we did the record, but I have done some more thinking on the subject in retrospect and I decided to share some of these thoughts here. 

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Humans are programmed to sustain themselves, and in order to do so, we need to cover some basic needs like eating, resting and reproducing. These basal attributes are something which we share with all life forms. But unlike the rest of nature, humans are also the result of nature’s experiment to view itself, thus we have been given the ability to think and to reflect. This leads us to think that we are not only sustaining life, but we also develop a view that what we are sustaining is an individual self detached from the force which by far exceeds our ability to think in the first place. When the ability to think is mixed with our basic needs, a new phenomena is born — desire. 

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People often ask me if it is hard to be a vegan. They ask me as though I daily have to strive to live up to the vegan ideal. As if it is a sort of condition that I lose if I don’t practice it, and that it is something I must diligently work on in order to reap its merits. But this is a skew view, and a complete up-side-down thinking of what veganism really is about. What people fail to see is that veganism is not something that I strive for, rather it is the basis from which all my actions stem from. Veganism is not my goal, it is the road I am traveling, or rather the name of the road that I am traveling. It is not some vague description of moral conduct. Quite the contrary: it is a set of values which are rather easy to follow in our modern society, both in mind and in matter.

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We live like we know reality. But our perception of what is real, is actually just a filter of reality. What we see with our eye is just a portion of what is really going on out there. Of all the wave-lengths, we can only see a fraction of them. And even though we can take x-ray photos, we still see these photos through our own eyes, so it’s really just adding a filter on top of another filter. We can’t hear anything below 12 Hz, but that doesn’t mean that sounds below 12 Hz don’t exist. So parts of reality are at all times hidden to us. A fly does not perceive reality the same way as humans, but that doesn’t mean that the fly’s reality is any less real than ours, it’s just a different perspective.

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